But not thew way you think. I got bored this evening and while it is nowhere close to completion I decided to install grafana on my rasberryPI B+.
To do this I first downloaded Ubuntu server 19.04 from the Pi site.
From here after the normal install and updates etc it was time to stand it up so I can feel productive later. First and foremost I needed to make sure that I could poll network equipment and pretty much anything that supported SNMP. So lets get that out of the way.sudo apt install snmp
Now that we have snmp we can probe things, but we aren’t going to get anything we can read so we need the MIBs to translate the info from the various manufacturers.sudo apt install snmp-mibs-downloader
Now that we have the downloader lets go get the actual MIBssudo download-mibs
Sweet, now we need to tell snmp to use them, so lets edit the config.sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmp.conf
and now lets change the default value tomibs +ALL
save and exit and cool beans.
Now we have the networking stuff installed so now we need to go grab grafana. Its a seperate repo so we will need to tell ubuntu where to look for it. In this case I dont want betas, so I’ll be using the stable repo.
Lets make sure we have thisapt-get install -y software-properties-common
now we need to make sure we can do https transport just in case.sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https
Lets add the repo now so ubuntu knows where to find grafanasudo add-apt-repository "deb https://packages.grafana.com/oss/deb stable main"
Ubuntu is going to get mad unless we make sure this repo is legit so lets add the key for itwget -q -O - https://packages.grafana.com/gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
wew. Ok now we need to do an update so that ubuntu knows to check that repo when we ask it to install things.sudo apt update
Now lets install grafana.sudo apt install grafana
Cool, now we need to start it and set it to start at boot.sudo service grafana-server start
sudo systemctl enable grafana-server.service
We will need InfluxDB because its what I want to use anyway so we can log stuff. So lets install it.sudo apt install influxdb
Now, you do need to continue and create a data base in influx with a username and password. I’m stopping here though. Since I’m not sure what I want to do with it yet.
The Grafana default port is 3000 so you should get something like this if you nav to your IP and port 3000.
Now I just need to set it up more and play with it. Will be polling stuff for no reason in no time. Here is a peek at my home setup.